zaterdag, maart 29, 2008

Photo Hunter Item ( HIGH)

White Stork(s)

White storks breed in open farmland areas with access to marshy wetlands,
building a stick nest in trees, on buildings, or special platforms

Whe said in Holland I am sitting high and dry

The stick nest of the stork is near de border of the river

river for lands are underwater

water level is verry high at this moment

at the sky jou see a stick nest

zaterdag, maart 22, 2008

Photo Hunter (item Metal)

electricity pylon or transmission tower
37 mtr high Work of Art


zaterdag, maart 08, 2008

Photo Hunters (item different)

The old mill of Vernon (France)

A mill on a bridge

a half-timbered construction,

lies straddling two piers of the ancient bridge over the Seine River.

The Mill some where in Holland

So as you see two diffrents kinds of Mills

zaterdag, maart 01, 2008

Photo Hunter (Party)


Carnaval (big Party)!!!